the world has changed, moreover art is not an exception, it has changed also.
One good study of the website Plos one conducted an analysis about how Digital art changed art and how it’s perceived by the crowd on a consequent sample of ten years (2001 – 2010 )
More than 270000 artworks has been studied in their analysis and few interessant conclusions has been made. First of all, a subtle change has been observed for values, saturation and variability of brushstroke / values in digital art. Another of these conclusions indicate that a consequent number of sub-categories appeared in the last decade for both digital and traditional art. (Vector art, body painting, 3D painting, Fractals, pixel-art and so more … )
The modern art produced digitally also mark itself with variability in it’s size and proportion. This is an interesting manifestation of the key difference in materials of traditional and digital media. The first uses physical surfaces such as paper and canvases. The second uses malleable pixels and vectors, so an artist can change size and proportions of her artwork in any time.