5 powerful pro secrets for painting good composition

painting good composition

In this article you'll see


Definition of Composition

Painting good composition is a whole aspect in Digital painting. In order to understand it simply, consider that this word mean assembling a whole by smartly choosing how elements are placed toward each others. 

painting good composition ? ( how )

Composition. This is a whole aspect in drawing and digital art. You cannot just ignore it and hope to carry a certain interest for the others. Usually, a good composition answer to these questions : What is happening in the story ? When, where and why this story is taking place ?What is the visual hiearchy of each elements toward the another ? 

What are the different type of compositions ?

Dynamic symmetry

In some drawing, there is many points of interest that enter in conflict with the main one because they have a certain relationship to one another. Just like in this digital painting called : The decisif choice of the knight. The swords face the knight and they represent a choice to take. If you want to make dynamic symmetry in your drawing : Draw a line, from the top right corner to the lower left corner. Then, from the top left corner draw a line at right angles to  the first line. This is the primary point of interest, and where you'll paint the head of the knight.

In this other example. You can repeat these steps ...  starting at the top-left corner. Using these guides, locate the edge of the platform, the left wing and the warrior’s hands. This enables you to see that the warrior is right in the middle of the diamond shape. The dragon’s head, shifted right, is now in the upper diamond.Illustration : Steve Ellis

Golden ratio

There is many technics if you want to end up painting good composition, each technic is adapted for certain case. For example, in this one, golden ratio is more adapted. You can find how to draw perfectly a golden ratio on illustrator here : Draw golden ratio in illustratorIf you don't want to go that far in mathematics, you should use this icon in your tool bar : Simply select Golden ratio and you'll have a spiral that show you where you should settle the point of interest. I settled the point of interest in the girl because she is looking at the forest. What is important in this piece is mostly what is in the forest, the dark forces that look the characters from far. The magic that the boy is playing come in second plan.  

Draw on Three steps :

What helped me during my career, no matter the order i had to take is seeing the composition divided into three steps : Middleground, foreground, background. When divided this way, your brain will find it more easier to think about composition. What should be in background ? How middle ground give informations about foreground ? With this way, painting good composition become a guarantee.

Unleash the power of triangles :

 Triangles shapes are meant to creat tension because of the difference present naturally in the shape itself. Sharp and small at the end, wide and big in the bottom. If you consider your characters with their personality, you can create a whole new sense in your piece. For example here, the strong orc is in the top of the triangle while all the others support his ascension. Triangular shape can create unity, tension and hiearchy in a piece. Some artists consider that a composition without triangle is a messed up composition. Especially when you wanna create tension and drama. Illustration : Steve Ellis. 

Create contrast :

Whether it's in shapes or characters size (perspective ) Contrast in term of value helps your painting to pop out. If you have a warm painting, it is not a reason that can stop you to use cold colour. Breaking the rules for a good reason is something good you have to consider. Many painters use warm colour on top of a cold painting to create this sense of depth and deep meaning. It attract the eye of the viewer easily. We can commonly find it on painting about strong warm center of power surrounded by storm and snowy land.


You know almost all the main keys if you want to end up painting good composition.  Further interested you can go on these articles : 

You can also read these articles to sharpen your knowledges : 

  1. Digital painting : 4 tips to speed up your workflow 
  2. Top 5 best plugins for photoshop 2022
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